
Intelligent Security Automation

Thursday, August 23, 2018

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT

60 minutes, including Q&A

Handling Vast Amounts of Threat Intel via Automation, by Anomali
Intelligent Security Automation, by Ty Miller

With the bad guys' revenue stream estimated by the UN to be reaching up to $2 Trillion, the security industry is quickly heading towards Security Automation to gain immediate capability and capacity enhancements within their operational security teams. This enables organizations to effectively and efficiently stay on top of the constantly evolving threats, attacks and security breaches.

In order to have any chance of staying safe moving forward, organizations must quickly build their Security Automation capabilities. This includes automated collection and analysis of internal and external intelligence data, orchestrated intelligence-integrated security infrastructure, automated incident response analysis and actions, and frequent automated penetration testing. These Security Automation activities provide organizations with context-based risk prioritization to maximize security budgets and the effectiveness of operational security teams to reduce risk.

Audience Takeaways

  • Understand the driver behind Security Automation and why it is so important
  • Learn how to utilize Security Automation to maximize your security skills, resources and budgets
  • How to streamline your operational security process through automated intelligence correlation and contextual awareness

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Guest Speaker:

Ty Miller

Ty Miller

Ty Miller is the Managing Director of Threat Intelligence (www.threatintelligence.com) who are specialists in the area of security automation, penetration testing, cyber threat intelligence, and specialist security consulting. Ty has run "The Shellcode Lab" for the last 7 years at Black Hat USA, created the "Practical Threat Intelligence" course for Black Hat USA, and has now launched his latest Black Hat USA training being "The Security Automation Lab".

Sponsor Presenter:

Justin Swisher

Justin Swisher

Justin Swisher will explore how organizations handle the vast amounts of log data, security tool output, and threat intelligence in a way that makes security teams more efficient and effective. Essentially, it gives them the ability to respond to threats as if they are much bigger than they are by specifically focusing their energy on only the most relevant events to their organization.

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