
Fight fraud and bots with reCAPTCHA Enterprise

Thursday, September 7, 2023

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT

60 minutes, including Q&A

According to a recent AARP-sponsored report from Javelin Research & Strategy, identity fraud cost 40 million Americans a combined $43 billion in 2022. Regardless of the threat vector and objective, botmitigation technologies have primarily relied on challenge-response systems requiring manual text inputs or image-based puzzles (like identifying traffic lights) to be solved. As the above statistic proves, these methodologies are not effective at preventing fraud. Attend this session and learn how Google addresses these challenges with reCAPTCHA Enterprise, a service that provides comprehensive protection against bot-based online fraud attacks, while enabling real web user interactions to proceed seamlessly.

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Badr Salmi

Product Manager

Google Cloud

Badr Salmi is the Product Manager for reCAPTCHA Enterprise & Web Risk. Throughout his career at Google he focused on reducing the proliferation of Malware and Phishing on the web by leveraging Google's scale and products such as Safe Browsing to keep users and organizations safe from external threats. He brings this expertise now to help organizations protect themselves from fraud and abuse using reCAPTCHA Enterprise.

Terry Sweeney


Black Hat

Terry Sweeney is a Los Angeles-based writer and editor who's covered business technology for three decades. He's written about cyber security for more than 15 years and was one of the founding editors of Dark Reading. Sweeney has covered enterprise networking extensively, as well as its supporting technologies like storage, wireless, cloud-based apps and the emerging Internet of Things. He's been a contributing editor to The Washington Post, Crain’s New York Business, Red Herring, Information Week, Network World, SearchAWS.com, and Stadium Tech Report.

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