Scaling Security Operations: Securing DevOps and Automating SecOps by Taha Karim
Scaling Security Operations: Securing DevOps and Automating SecOps by Dino Dai Zovi
As your organization's environment grows, the effort to properly secure it grows. Every new employee, networked machine, Internet-hosted SaaS solution, line of custom application code, and Smart Whatever increases your organization's attack surface.
If all infrastructure were 100% identical, the effort required to secure it would decrease as procedures and processes become more streamlined. This isn't true in the real world, however. The diversity in hosts, software, and services required in a real-world environment make the effort required to secure a network grow linearly with the complexity of that network.
We can take steps to reduce complexity of our networks, yet linear complexity growth is inevitable. With the shortage of security talent, that leaves organizations with the devil's bargain of curbing growth or accepting increased risks.
There is a third option: embracing DevOps or Site Reliability Engineering culture and applying their mindsets to security operations. By focusing on amplifying the impact of security expertise through customization and automation, we can overcome the cybersecurity skills gap and implement real defense at scale.