
Daniel Sauder

Daniel Sauder

thyssenkrupp CERT

Daniel Sauder has been working in IT Security field as a penetration tester since 2012 - doing DFIR since 2014 - in IT since 2004 - previous talks: - 09/2017 Presentation at OWASP meeting Cologne: "Post Exploitation and Attack Vectors in vSphere" - 07/2017 AVET - Antivirus Evasion Tool presentation at Black Hat USA Arsenal - 03/2017 AVET - Antivirus Evasion Tool presentation at Black Hat Asia Arsenal - 10/2015 Talk at the OWASP Chapter Cologne - "More Fun with Virus and Antivirus" https://govolution.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/owasp-meeting-cologne-30-09-2015.pdf - 11/2014 Speaker Deepsec - "Why Antivirus Software fails" https://deepsec.net/docs/Slides/2014/Why_Antivirus_Fails_-_Daniel_Sauder.pdf - 10/2013 Speaker Backtrack Day - "Antivirus Evasion - Von der Idee zum PoC" https://govolutionde.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/btd2013-antivirusevasion.pdf - previous publications: - 07/2015 "Why Antivirus Software fails", Magdeburger Journal zur Sicherheitsforschung for Deepsec Proceedings 2014 http://www.sicherheitsforschung-magdeburg.de/uploads/journal/MJS_037_Sauder_Antivir.pdf - 11/2014 short report with interview on austrian radio Ö1 in the programm Matrix about my research of antivirus software - 08/2014 Co-author "Outsmarted – Why Malware Works in face of Antivirus Software" https://www.syss.de/fileadmin/dokumente/Publikationen/2014/Antivirus_Evasion_engl.pdf - 05/2014 Pentest Magazine "Practical Antivirus Evasion" https://govolutionde.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/avevasion_pentestmag.pdf - 01/2014 (German) KES "Wie immer, nur schlimmer?! Fortgeschrittene Abwehr von gezielten Angriffen aus dem Netz" - 09/2012 (German) Hakin9 "Pivoting: über Umwege ans Ziel" Qualification - 09/2016 GIAC Exploit Researcher and Advanced Penetration Tester (GXPN) - 03/2015 Offensive Security Certified Expert (OSCE) - 05/2014 Zertifikat Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI) - 02/2014 Securitytube Linux Assembly Expert (SLAE) - 09/2012 Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) - 05/2012 CompTIA Security+ce

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